Life action role play!
Combat Skirmish Singapore is proud to present Asia’s first Live Action Role-play right in the heart of Fort Siloso, Sentosa. Get immersed into the action where the final battle during the 1900s between the Japanese and Colonial Powers meets the present and have all your 5 senses tested as you pit your combat fighting skills against simulated real enemies.
Your journey in the evening begins once you’ve stepped foot into our mocked up planning room and briefed real time by our in house Captain about the crisis situation in Fort Siloso. Once the brief is over you will be kitted up with military uniform, a battle vest and laser gaming gun.
You will be part of a special task force and will infiltrate Fort Siloso’s Fortified Townhouse that has original cannons used in the Malayan War and explore the underground tunnels where our soldiers fought till their last breathe. You and your team will locate, retrieve and extract the scientist that’s kept deep in the heart of Fort Siloso.
Experience real enemy movement and fire, interview the town house people for routes of entry and fight your way past enemy military personnel and the undead to locate the scientist. This exclusive program takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete and is best enjoyable in groups of 5 of more. Get ready to be led into the heart of Fort Siloso’s undulating terrain and tunnels by our battle hardened officers and enjoy Asia’s leading role-play simulation.